My old friend Tom should be dead. He was diagnosed with Advanced Stage 4 Colo-rectal and Liver Cancer on his 52nd birthday in 2007. Happy birthday buddy.
We were living in Capitola at the time. He called and left a message on our machine. We've known Tom over 35 years, my lovely wife knew something was wrong when she did not hear his usual jovial voice. He came down and spent a couple days with us. He was gonna fight the good fight, but we were basically saying good-bye. The prognosis was not good.
He started the usual Chemo treatment that he was scheduled to take for one year. However, he gave it up after five months due to severe side effects.
My old pal Tom should be dead. All three of his Oncologists have told him so on numerous occasions.
I'm sure you all know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer since 2007 and they are now no longer with us. I've got a handful. My pal Tom is an anomaly. I've told him so on numerous occasions.
"You should be dead," I say, "What the hell did you do that these other folks didn't?"
Trick question, I already know the answer.
Besides engaging in an all important integrative approach as discussed with his Oncologists, Tom also drank some of his new wife's breast milk. You see, besides being diagnosed with cancer at the tender age of 52, he had also become a new father. That new baby boy helped save his life, in more ways than one! Tom claims the reason he's still alive, fourteen years after his dire diagnosis, is because he drank his wife's breast milk from their first, and later second child.
So, what's so special about breast milk? Well, besides all the regular good stuff it contains that helps new lives get off to a healthy start, breast milk also contains Cysteine, a special sort of amino acid.
What's so special about Cysteine? I'll let the New World Encyclopedia kinda scientifically explain:
Besides a number of other things, Cysteine is an important precursor in the production of the antioxidant glutathione, which protects cells from toxins, such as free radicals, in the human body and other organisms. The systemic availability of oral glutathione (GSH) is negligible; the vast majority of it must be manufactured intracellularly. Glutathione is a tripeptide antioxidant made up of the three amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. Glutamate and glycine are readily available in most North American diets, but the availability of cysteine makes it be the rate-limiting substrate for the synthesis of glutathione within the cell. It is the sulfhydryl (thiol) group (SH) of cysteine that serves as proton-donor and is responsible for the biological activity of glutathione. Sometimes referred to as the “master antioxidant,” glutathione regulates the actions of lesser antioxidants (such as vitamin C and vitamine E), and levels of glutathione in cells are predictive of how long someone will
There's a nine cylinder word, GLUTATHIONE.
Over 120,000 published studies have shown that glutathione has a profound effect on a multitude of health challenges. As a powerful free radical scavenger, immune enhancer and detoxifier, glutathione has shown to be effective in the following conditions; autism, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, asthma,diabetes, lung disease, Parkinson’s disease, gastrointestinal inflammation and Crohn’s disease, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuro-degenerative diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis), ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and degenerative eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Total Health Magazine
The importance of glutathione cannot be overstated. It has multiple roles as indicated and, indeed, as one examines each system or organ more closely, the necessity for glutathione becomes increasingly evident. Glutathione values decline with age and higher values in older people are seen to correlate with better health, underscoring the importance of this remarkable substance for maintaining a healthy, well-functioning body.
So now that we have established Glutathione is probably a good thing, especially if we are immuno compromised, what's the best way to get it?
Well, nature provides a certain amount of Glutathione in certain foods. There are supplements as well. But research has shown that the best way to boost your Glutathione level is to increase your Cysteine intake via very biologically active whey. Not necessarily the big can of body building whey you get at GNC, which is processed quite a bit differently, but some magical whey that comes from breast milk of cows, or humans.
If you have access to a lactating human breast, go for it. But don't tell 'em I sent ya, especially if she's a stranger. You could also try Immunocal. That works too and you probably won't get arrested.
My old friend Tom has been taking Immunocal for six years. He introduced me to it a few years ago since he no longer has access to breast milk. His kids are now fifteen and ten. He started Immunocal right after he stopped drinking breast milk from his second child. It’s been fourteen years since his dire diagnosis and he’s still cancer free.
I started taking the product about five years ago. Although not immuno compromised, I did have a renegade appendix go wild on me about that time. Plus I want my Glutathione levels increased. I like what I've been reading. The levels naturally decrease as we get older.
I have definitely noticed I have more energy. And stamina. I'm still writing, see? I can also leap over tall tiddly winks in a single bound and I am also definitely faster than a speeding tortoise.
I went along for the ride not only for health reasons but for the business opportunity as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it's one of those multi-level marketing companies. All those got a real bad rap years back cause everybody that was trying to sell soap through Amway looked like an EST or Scientology disciple. Plus they were all get rich quick schemes. The product can be anything, just sell the concept.
There's still a ton of MLM companies out there selling everything from soap to shinola. I'm pretty sure it all works. I'm sure it's all innovative, special and unique. I'm sure every one of those products has the potential to enhance your life. But can you live without them?
Probably. I have been and I’m in my late 60’s.
Immunocal is different. There are definitely folks out there whose quality of life can be enhanced by taking it. It could also potentially be life saving. This is what is motivating me. This is why you have to at least know about it. Had I known about this product seven years ago there's a chance a couple of folks I once knew I might still know.
Immunocal is listed in the Physician's Desk Reference and Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. It is licensed for sale by Health Canada.
Do your research and then give me a call. 530-277-0411 Wait, I never answer the phone. Shoot me an email at and then maybe I'll call you. If you send me your phone number.
Don’t let the MLM aspect of this product turn you away. I am not asking you to join the ranks serial sellers, I am simply informing you of the benefits of this fantastic product!
If you, like me are over sixty years of age, you should really take a good look at this. If you currently have or have had cancer or any other immune disorder, you should try this without hesitation.
Immunocal has started a very good retail program where you can obtain the product online at up to a 25% discount. You don’t need to buy a banner or go to a convention.
Just go to: If you are or have been immuno compromised I would recommend taking Immunocal Platinum, which is better than the basic.
Call, write or go online today!
The gold standard for clinical evidence for efficacy is a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Immunotec's (Immunocal's parent company) present research activities therefore focus on controlled clinical trials in cooperation with various clinical partners in Montreal and other clinical centers in Canada and the U.S.A. The recently published study on the effects of a research formulation of Immunocal on lung cancer patients (Tozer et al. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 10:2, 395-402, 2008) is an example. This trial has shown quite impressive results with regard to the health benefits of this Immunocal formulation in the nutrition of seriously ill advanced lung cancer patients. Other clinical studies showing the efficacy of Immunocal have been performed and published by several clinical centers.